If more cars are allowed onto busy streets, there will be more traffic jams, which is really a public hazard to all of us. 如果更多的汽车开上繁华的街道,交通堵塞将会更严重。这对我们大家来说确是公害。
Such streams are a serious public health hazard where they pass through villages and new towns. 这类污染的溪涧流经乡村及新市镇时,会严重威胁公众健康。
Chemical waste is becoming a major public hazard. 化学废品已成为一种主要公害。
Radon, as an "invisible killer", the second factor which causes lung cancer, is a great public hazard to the human room environment. 氡是一个“无形杀手”,是导致肺癌的第二大因素,为人类居室环境的一大公害。
The drug problem is a worldwide problem, is the20th century, the world's most serious public hazard and one of the public enemy of all mankind. 毒品问题是一个世界性难题,是20世纪最为严重的全球公害和全人类的公敌之一。
Family violence is a public hazard all over the world and also a serious social problem in our country. 家庭暴力是世界公害,也是我国一个严重的社会问题。
Smoking is China's greatest public health hazard, yet tobacco control efforts are timid and implementation lacks conviction. 吸烟是中国最大的公共卫生问题,但控制烟草的努力不够坚决,而且实施过程缺乏力度。
Terrorism is a big public hazard of our times, threatening the security and stead of the international community seriously. 恐怖主义是当今世界的一大公害,对国际社会的安全与稳定构成了严重威胁。
Odor pollution has become a serious public hazard in the process of municipal solid waste ( MSW) treatment and disposal. 恶臭污染已成为垃圾处理和处置过程中的严重公害。
With the economic development and the improvement of the living standard of the residents in city the municipal solid waste MSW today has become one of the serious "public hazard" in the world. 前言:随着经济的发展、城市居民生活水平的提高,城市生活垃圾已经成为当前世界性的严重公害之一。
In pace with the economic development in Shanghai, noise pollution became a public hazard which affected on human health. 随着上海城市的发展,噪声污染成了危害群众身心健康的主要公害之一。
The cooling volume of NA-water can reach 922 kJ/ kg, the cooling volume of NB-ethanol is about 2.4 times that of activated carbon-ethanol, and it is an environment friendly and no public hazard working pairs. NA水工质对的制冷量可达992kJ/kg,NB乙醇工质对的制冷量大约为活性碳甲醇的2.4倍,是一种环境友好型、无公害的工质对。
Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest 烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究
Accounting information distortion has already been the public hazard in the world. People become more and more concerned about the ways to improve the audit quality, especially the precaution of audit fraud. 会计信息失真已经日益成为世界的公害,如何提高审计质量,特别是加强对舞弊的审计防范已经越来越受到人们的关注,由此产生了舞弊审计。
Terrorism is an outstanding public hazard in the world of today, it is the common enemy to our civilized society in all human kind and it is a malignant tumor in economic society development. 恐怖主义是当代世界的一大突出公害,是全人类文明社会的共同敌人,是危害世界和平与安全,经济发展与社会进步的毒瘤。
Since the seventies of the 20th century, money-laundering crime, especially money-laundering criminal activities of the financial system and financial instrument, has become a great public hazard that international community faces day by day. 20世纪70年代以来,洗钱犯罪,特别是利用金融系统和金融工具的洗钱犯罪活动,日益成为国际社会面临的一大公害。
Since the power system was born, harmonics in power system had been in existence. With the extensive use of electronic installations, harmonic problems become increasingly serious, power system harmonic has already become the public hazard of power system. 电力系统自诞生以来,就孪生了电力系统谐波,随着电子装置的广泛应用,谐波问题变得日益严重,电力谐波已经成为电力系统的公害。
This paper introduces aluminum tripolyphosphate about its chemical performances, development history, advantage as antirust pigment, technical index, usage quantity in coatings and the use in other fields, showing that it is of good prospect as an antirust pigment of free public hazard. 介绍了三聚磷酸铝的化学特性、开发历程、用作防锈颜料的优势、技术指标,在涂料中的使用量及在其他领域的应用,表明其作为一种无公害防锈颜料,应用前景良好。
Corruption has been the public hazard of human society. It is easy to produce: corrupt breeding ground in transitional period of China. 腐败已经成为人类社会的公害,转轨时期的中国极易产生腐败的温床。
Assessment Of Soil Environmental Quality In Agriculture Production Base With No Public Hazard 无公害农业生产基地土壤环境质量评价的探讨
Now noise has become a big public hazard of polluting the environment of our human society. 现今噪声已成为污染人类社会环境的一大公害。
The malicious software has become a public hazard and the overrun of it has become a global problem following the virus and spam in the network world. 恶意软件已成为社会公害,其泛滥是继网络病毒、垃圾邮件后互联网世界的又一个全球性问题。
In the 21st century, the object of pig production is high quality, high efficiency and without public hazard. 21世纪养猪生产的目标是优质、高效、无公害。
. Risk regulation, namely the establishment of professional institutions, potentially contributing to the public hazard risk assessment and monitoring, and through the development of rules, supervision and enforcement of legal means to eliminate or reduce risk activity. 风险规制,即设立专业的公共机构,对可能造成的公共危害的风险进行评估和监测,并通过制定规则、监督执行等法律手段来消除或者减轻风险的活动。
With the development of information technology and electronic industry, electromagnetic wave radiation has already being a new public hazard. 随着信息技术和电子工业的发展,电磁波辐射已经成为一种新的社会公害。
Automobile accident is a major public hazard worldwide. According to the statistical data, the number of deaths due to road traffic is constantly increasing every year. 汽车交通事故也是世界范围内的一大公害,从统计数据来看,每年因为道路交通事故死亡的人数也在不断的增加。
The spread of juvenile delinquency has become a public hazard to the international community, all nations feel the responsibilities but difficult to deal with. 未成年人犯罪的泛滥已经成为国际社会的公害,世界各国既感责任重大,又不免犹豫和棘手。
Large amount of steel slag heaping into a mountain, not only becomes a public hazard of environmental pollution, but also takes up a lot of land. 大量的钢渣堆积成渣山,不仅成为污染环境的一大公害,而且占用大量的土地。
At present, money laundering activity has increasingly become a public hazard to the international community. 当前,洗钱活动日益成为国际社会面临的一大公害。
To study and develop no or low public hazard zoology silage as soon as possible is to solve the contradiction between development of stockbreeding and environment pollution, it takes on very profound and lasting meaning for assuring continuant development of stockbreeding and forage industry. 尽快研究开发无公害或低公害的生态饲料,从根本上解决畜牧业发展与环境污染的矛盾,对于保证畜牧业和饲料工业可持续发展具有极其深远的意义。